

100% VCF Plant Nutrients





All of SHIVAS products are made from 100% bio-organic nutrients that are organically grown. Our "Veganic Dynamic Grow" amendments comes in the form of FPJs and are comprised of an all natural biological fruit and vegetable mixture and include "0" animal matter. And with the correct use of veganic-organic products, nutrient uptake should be closer to 100%. Our "Veganic-Bio Dry" amendments which is a mixture of differert organically grown dry fruits and vegetables, is a great way to improve soul structure and balance.

Below is a list of the best organic ingredients for your grow. The main nutrients that all plants need are as follows:

Primary Major nutrients needed by all plants in large quantities- Nitrogen, Pohophorus, Potassium (K)

Secondary Needed in smaller quantities- Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur

Micronutrients- Required but in small amounts- Boron, Copper, Iron, Maganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Zinc

In order to keep your plant well-fed, nourished and happy you will also need to invest in and use the nutrients listed below.

Mycorrhizal fungi - helps the plant develop strong roots, and recover from transplant shock.

Liquid Humic acid - derived from decayed organic matter, keeps the inner walls of the plant moist

Calcium - needed if using coco coir or hydroponics

Epsom salt - for magnesium

Monopotassium phosphatepromotes bigger buds.

Potassium sulfatePotassium Sulfate (0-0-50), is an organic source of naturally occurring potassium rock that also contains 17% Sulfur

Triacontanol - a natural occurring growth hormone that helps produce bigger fruits and help plants grow faster.

Black Strap Molasses - Blackstrap Molasses- rich in Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Calcium and Magnesuim

Yeast - Yeast can also be added to an organic fertilizer mix to increase this beneficial microorganism in the soil. An organic fertilizer recipe would includes animal dung, brewer's yeast, seaweed, humate, meal such as corn meal or alfalfa meal and molasses.

The following plants are part of our nutrient lineup
Some of these plants like ginger and beans we actually grow ourselves and make our fertilizers. The trick is to know how to extract the nutrients from veggies, fruit or from grain. Below is a list of fruits and veggies that we use on all our plants, lemon, lime, grapefruit, prunes, apples, pineapple, tangerines, peaches, cherries, strawberries... Almost all fruits can be fermented and used as liquid fertzilizer.
Apricot dried- NPK 0-2-12 high in potassium and phosphorus, fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, vitamins A,C. Avacado- NPK 0-2-6 Contains 3 x as much potassium as bananas which makes them excellent to use duting flower. also magnesium and iron.

Dates dried- NPK-0-6-20 Like other dried fruits, dates are packed full of nutrition! An excellent source of fiber and of potassium, niacin, and vitamin B-6. Dates also contain copper, selenium, magnesium and more!

Kiwi- High in potassium 9%and phosphorus 3%, magnesium, folate, iron, zinc, B vitamins, vitamins C, E, K.
Peach- NPK 0-2-5 also contains zinc, vitamins A, C. Orange/tangerines- Rich in potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and copper. Pomegranate- NPK 0-5-5 high amounts of calcium, manganese, magnesium, copper, copper folate, zinc vitamins A, C, E, K. Watermelon- Watermelon seeds are a powerhouse of nuitrients like potassium, folate, iron, copper manganese, magnesium, zinc.
ALFALFA - NPK 3-5-3 Plus magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc copper, vitamins K, C. Alfalfa meal contains a growth hormone (triacontanol) that helps stimulate plant root development.
BANANAS- NPK 0-3-42 Contain high amounts of potassium magnesium, copper, manganese vitamins B6, C, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium. We use bananas for dry as well as ferments for the flowering period. Potassium is one of the main nutriens needed during flower.

BEANS- White Beans- 0-11-16 Another favorite of ours is the bean. Beans are also high in magnesium, calcium, iron, folate, vitamins A, K. Green beans, string beans, or snap beans are a rich source of vitamins A, C, and K, and of folic acid and fiber.

COFFEE GROUNDS- High in nitrogen, Potassium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), magnesium. Using coffee grounds as a fertilizer and soil conditioner.
Cucumber- NPK 0-11-27-0 copper, magnesium, manganese, vitamins b1. use as dry amendment and ferment. Burned skins -

Dandelion- NPK is 10-14-16 which makes it great to use during veg as well as bloom. Also contain manganese, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, vitanins A, C, K.

Ginger- NPK 0-5-11 High in, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc, vitamins. A great plant to grow at home. Quinoa-185 gramms of quinoa contains 28% phosphorus, 9% potassium, 58% Manganese, 30% magnesium, plus high amounts of folate, iron and zinc.

Nettle (European)- NPK 5-0-3 Nettles provide the highest source of protein from wild plants. Contains nitrogen, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, manganese zinc, copper, chromium, vitamins A and B. Oats (rolled)- NPK 0-59-8 high manganese, magnesium copper and iron. We take oats and roast them slightly to get all the water out and use them in our dry amendment mixes.

Potato skins (ash)- NPK 0-5-27also high in manganesd, calcium, iron,vitamins B6,. Use as dry amendment as well as fermented.

Soybean NPK 7-1-2 One of the benefits of soybean meal is that it is high in nitrogen which makes it a very good organic fertilizer often reaching 7%. Soybean meal has a typical analysis of 7-1.5-1 (NPK) and is a naturally slow release fertilizer.

Spinach- NPK 0-4-12 Also contains silica, folate. Make your own silica which is an important nutrient that your plant needs. Helps promote stronger branches and lims.

Tea Grounds- Dried tea leaves NPK is 4.4%, 0.24%, 0.25% making it an organic source of NPK fertilizer known for helping plants grow. “Tea leaves are high in tannic acid and other valuable nutrients. Also iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc.

Whole grain- NPK 0-35-12 also magnesium, iron. As part of a general healthy diet, consumption of whole grains is associated with lower risk of several diseases.

Egg plant-Phosphorus 2%, Potassium7%, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium. Make a ferment or use with dry amendements. Burned eggplant are extremly high in phosphorus.

PLANTS-ferments/decoctions N P K
Plants that are high in Nitrogen  
Alfalfa pellets 2-1-4 slow release
Alfalfa meal 3-5-3 - slow release
Black-eyed Peas (Seed) 3.1- 1- 1.2
Canola meal/raps 7-2-2
Coffee grounds 2.1- 0.3- 0.3- slow release
Comfrey 8-3-20
Cottonseed Meal 7- 3- 2 - slow release
Cottonseed 3.15 1.25 1.15 -slow release
Dandelion 10-14-16
Eggshell 1.19 0.38 0.14 -slow release
Field Bean (Seed) 4-1.2 - 1.3
Green korn 10- 5- 7
Ginger root 0-5-11
Nettles (Stinging European) 5.6 0.7 3.7
Oats 2-0.8-0.6
Oats rolled 0-59-8 Magnesium 39%, Iron 33%, Calcium 5%
Orange Peel 2-14-6
Soybean/ meal 7-1-2 -slow release
Tea grounds 4.4-0.24-0.25 medium release
Plants that are high in Phosphorus Phosphorus (P) promotes root development, which helps to anchor and strengthen plants. It also increases bloom and fruit production.
Borage P5 K13 plus high amounts of manganese, magnesiun, copper and iron
Cucumber skins 0-11-27
Cocoa powder High in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc
Dandelion 10-14-16
Edamame beans P16 K14
Rock Phosphate (Ground) 0- 26-35- 0
Plants that are high in Potassium Potassium is needed for the production of flowers and buds
Apple (Skin, Ash) 0- 3.08- 11.74
Artichokes Potassium 10% Magnesium 15%, calcium 4% plus iron
Banana skins 0-3-42
Beans (white) and all lagumes 0-11-16
Beets and beet greens P4 K9
Broccoli leaves P7 K9
Cantaloupe skin (Melon) 0-9-12
Comfrey 8-3-20
Dry banana peel 0-25-42
Dandelion 10-14-16
Eggplant ash 0-3-5
Kelp powder 1-3-4 - quick releas
Mint 6-5-12.5
Millet 0- 5- Phosphorus, Potassium, Niacin, Calcium, Iron, Vitamins A, B
Oats 0-52-8
Potato skin 5-1-21
Spinach 0-4-12 - magnesium 19% plus copper
Sweet potatoes ?-5-11
Wheat 4.9-1- 8.9
Fruits that are high in Potassium  
Artichoke 0-0-10
Avocados 0-2-6
Bananas 0-1-11
Dandelion 10-14-16 magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, iodine, zinc- dry and fermented
Pomegranate 0-5-5
Zucchini skins 0-5-5.5 magnesium, manganese, clacium, zinc,iron
Dried herbs highest potassium content
Apple (Skin, Ash) 0-3-11
Bananas Skin (Ash) 0-25-42
Coffee Grounds (Dried) 1.99 0.36 0.67 - slow release
Cantaloupe skin (Melon) (Ash) 0- 9.77- 12.21
Cucumber skins burned 0-11-27
Dandelion 10-14-16
Grapefruit (Skin) (Ash) 0- 3.58- 30.6
Mint 6-5-12
Orange Peel (ash) 0-5-27
Orange Peel dried 2-14-6
Parsley P6 K16
Potato skin 0-5-27




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