Making ferments is one of the best ways to supply your plants with the nutrients that they need. By fermenting fruits and vegetables for our plants, we provide them with the primary nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and many other essentials like manganese, magnesium, iron and zinc. For the vegetative stage we use plants that are high in nitrogen and phosphorus. We combine them together to make dry organic as well as liquid amendments.
During the flowering stage your plant will require different nutrients than for vegetation, for instance more sugar. In order not to over do it, it is important not to add too much. Some people use molasses, honey or sugar. This can be a tricky process because you can easily over do it and damage your plants or invite unwanted insects. So for this problem, we created an all natural „Black Strap Molasses“ base fermented solution rich in Phosphorus and Potassium to solve this problem. Our all natural nutrient based solution will provide your plant with all the nutrients that it needs to thrive and produce healthy buds and fruits. It also contains high levels of magnesium, iron and zinc. Organic booster ferments are essential for the health of your plants, they promote growth and you usually do not have to worry about any type of nutrient deficiencies or problems associated with using chemical base nutrient. |
What Is Fermented Plant Juice? -
FPJ is used in solutions for seed and soil treatments and
plant nutrition. It consists of the young shoots of vigorously growing plants that are allowed to ferment for
approximately 7 days with the aid of brown sugar. The
brown sugar draws the juices out of the plant material
via osmosis and also serves as a food source for the microbes carrying out the fermentation process. |
Banana Peel Ferment |
Soak 2-3 banana peels in 1Lwater for 1-2 weeks. After strain and use for bloom . Mix 1tbsp of ferment to 1 liter of water. NPK-6-1-11 |
Coffee/Tea Decoction |
Add 2 tbsp of coffee and 2 tbsp of tea to 1 liter or 5 cups of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain and increase the nitrogen that your plants get. NPK-6.5-0.5-0.5 |
Cucumber Ferment |
Use hand full of cucumber skins to 1 liter of water, stir good. Close container and place in shaded area for 7-10 days. On day 7 or so strain out and use as liquid solution. Use 1tbsp for 1L water. Or take 3 cups of solution and add the same amount of water to the fertilizer and water plants. Use throughout the flowering period, can also be used as foliar spray NPK-2-3-6 |
Green korn Ferment |
Soak 100g of green korn in 500ml of water for 8-10 hours, after that they will start to sprout. Cook grain until they become soft enough to break by pinching them. Purree and add 2tbsp brown sugar for fermentation and enough water to make 1 liter of liquid. Let stand in dark place between 8-10 days, on day 5 or so purree the mix a second time to extract more nutrients. After 8 days, strain and use 30ml per 1 liter of water. NPK-10-5-7 |
Orange/onion peel |
2-3 cups of both peels to 1Liter let ferment 2-3 days, strain. Sources of calcium, iron, magnesium, copper NPK-2-14-6 |
Potato Peel Ferment |
1- make a potato peel solution. Use a hand or cup full of potato peels to 1-2 liter of water. Let soak for 7 days. After 7 days are up, strain the solution into the glass jar or container with top large enough to accommodate the rest of the ingredients i.e. 100ml or
2- cover jar and let solution sit for a week turning the jar once or twice during that time. Make sure that the cap of the jar is NOT tightly closed, just sit the cap on top of the jar, do not tighten. Strain solution into another jar and apply min. 1 tsp per liter of water throughout the flowering period. You can also use these amendents dry. After straining dry rest solution and sprinkle 2 - 4 tbsp of the mixture to your plant soil. PH water to 6.5. NPK-5-1-21 |
Spinach |
Make your own silica- use 200ml fresh or fresh frozen spinach, soy, oats, bananas, Green Beans soak in 1-2L water for 1-2 weeks. use 1 tbsp to liter of water.
0-4-12 |
Soybean Ferment |
Soak 100g soy beans in 500ml of water for 8-10 hours. Cook beans until they become soft enough to break by pinching them. Purree and add 2tbsp brown sugar for fermentation and enough water to make 1 liter of liquid. Let stand in dark place between 8-10 days. On day 5 or so purree the mix a second time to extract more nutrients. After 8 days, strain and use 20ml per 1 liter of water. NPK-7-1-2 |
Spinach Ferment |
Cut or soak whole 100g of greens. Add 2tbsp brown sugar for fermentation. Let stand in dark place 8-10 days, on day 5 or so purree the mix to extract more nutrients. After, strain and add to other ingredients for veg. 0-4-12
Tea Ferment |
Tea leaves are high in tannic acid and many other valuable nutrients that make it more fertile. Also trace amounts of magnesiun, iron calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc. Add 2 tsp unused tea leaves to 1 liter of water, cover jar and let stand for 2 days in shaded area, strain. use as needed in the garden... NPK-4.4-0.24-0.25 |
Yeast Ferment |
There are several ways to prepare a yeast-based fertilizer using only brewer's yeast. 1. Begin with 1 oz of dry yeast and 1 cup of sugar mixed, then add ½ to ¾ cup of warm water. After one or two hours, dilute the mixture with 2 ½ gallons of warm water. The water used should not be from the tap. 2.
To force buds to grow, mix 3 tbsp. yeast with 10 liters of water. To maintain blooms throughout the season, use 2 tbsp yeast in 1 gallon of water (4.5 liters) and apply as soon as the plants begin to bloom. 3. For insecticides, herbicides, or fungicides, yeast can be used to protect your garden in a safer manner. Dissolve 1 oz of dry yeast in 2 cups of lukewarm, whole, preferably unpasteurized milk. The mixture is then dissolved in 2 ½ gallons of lukewarm water. |
Black Strap Molasses |
For an all nautral nutrient rich fertilizer for all your plants, make a solution with, Blackstrap Molasses, String beans, Artichoke, Dandelion Ginger, spinach and Cocoa. Make sure that the cocoa contain nutrients such as Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron and Magnesium. 1-Cut ingredients into small pieces. If you use 1 liter or Kilo of the ingredients, you should use 1 Liter or Kilo of Molasses. So since we have 4 or 5 different plants, we would need 4 or 5 times as much molasses. 2- once you have your ingredients add them to the container, pour the molasses over the ingredients and mix well. Cover the top of the container with any type of top that will allow the ferment to breath. Make sure that the ingredients stay submurged under the molasses. 3- let stand in shady place between 1-2 weeks, stirring occasionally to get good fermentation. 4- after fermentation, strain the solution into a jar. Cap tightly and you have your all natural veganic Phosphorus and Potassium nutrient bomb for your plant flowering period. Use 1tsp/L water to each reservoir once you notice that the plant has flipped and starting to bloom. |
Homemade Calcium |
1- save your eggshells. You should use app. ¼ cup of finely crushed or blended eggshells. Be sure to wash them in clean hot water before letting them dry. 2- after shells are dry, place them in the oven on high heat for app 30-40 min. to kill any bacteria or germs that might be on the shells. 3- in a container large enough to hold 100ml of fluid, or whatever amount that you want, place the eggshells in the container and then pour vinegar or lemon juice over them. You can use apple or table vinegar. You will notice a chemical reaction... Once this starts, set aside until the chemical reaction stops. Be sure to strain the eggshell mixture and get only the liquid. 4- once you have your calcium solution, use it during the vegetative and flowering periods of your plants. |
Tentures |
Tentures are a great way to to preserve the most important medicine for your personal needs. Like other alcohol extracts, tentures will keep for a long time. Homeopaths use very diluted tentures as their basic medical preparation.
combine 1-4 zo. of powdered herb (cannabis) (the amount depending on the plants potency) with 8-12 zo. Of alcohol. Add water to make a 50% alcohol solution (you have to know what percentage alcohol you start with). Let stand for 2 weeks, shaking once or twice a day; then then strain and pour the liquid into a bottle suitable for storage. |
Infusion |
An infusion of a beverage made like tea, by combining boioling water with the plants (usually the green parts or the flowers) and steeping to extract their active ingredients. The relatively short exposure of heat in this method of preparation minimizes the loss of volatile elements. The usual amounts are about ½ to 1 zo.to 1 pint of water.
Most often the water is poured over the plants, but some plants can be added to boiling water, the pot then being removed from the heat.
Use an enamel, porcelin or glass pot to seep in for about 10 minutes; then covet the pot with a tight fitting lid to minimize evaporation.
Once you have your infusion use it as a foliar spray to boost your plants health. |
Cold Extract |
preparation with cold water will effectively preserve the most volatile ingredients and extract only minor amounts of mineral salts and bitter principles. Add about double the amount of plant material used for an infusion to cold water in an enamel or nonmetallic pot. Let the mixture stand 8-12 hours, strain and the brink is ready. |
Korean Natural Farming |
Korean organic farming methods are widely known for using the plants for ferments that can be found in your area. If you cannot afford to purchase fertilizer for your plants, then just look for the most prolific and abundant plants growing in your area, and rest assured you will have a good source for fertilizer, because all plants can be used to make fertilizer. With this method you can ferment fruits and vegetables, all depends on whether you want ferments that are high in nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium. To make your ferment you will need:
large plastic or glass dish or bowl to mix your ferment in.
cheese cloth
a glass or plastic jar to ferment your plants in
plant material
brown sugar
Mix the plant and sugar until there are no air pockets. Once you have them mixed well, place mixture in the jar that you plan to use, and press down to ensure that there are no air pockets. Fill the jar only ¾ full of material, then add a top layer of brown sugar app, ½ inch thick or so. Cover with breathable top or cloth and let set in shaded or dark place for 7-10 days depending on how strong you want the fertilizer.
After 7 days are up, there should be an accumulation of dark liquid in the bottom of the jar. Strain with chees cloth making sure that you squeeze as much liquid out of the cloth as possible. Once you have your ferment, place it in a dark bottle or container and store as you would any ferment. Use 10ml per 1 liter of water.
With this method you can make ferments to fertilize all of your plants, and the best part is that they will keep for a very long time, sometimes up to 2 years. |