Statute |
After legalization and the creation of a legally compliant possibility, the Cannabis Social Club Frankfurt will operate a legal cultivation community. Shivas Grow Garden e.V. Frankfurt welcome as members not only cannabis users, but explicitly all people who are interested in accepting and help regulate drug policy and legislation for the protection of youth, consumers and society. We are not committed to any particular religion, idea or world view. We see great opportunity and enrichment in the diversity of our abilities, our strengths and weaknesses, our different personalities, backgrounds and circumstances. This diversity is an opportunity for personal growth for each individual. It will bear fruit with our encounters and discussions with members, guests, volunteers, employees and everyone else who is committed to our common goal. -We want members who are open to this, All people, regardless of their origin, ethnicity, religion, gender identity and orientation, whether with or without a disability, are expressly welcome to get to know us and work with us towards our association's goals. It is in this spirit that the Cannabis Social Club Frankfurt/M has adopted its statutes. Our goal is to create an atmosphere where people can relax and enjoy the benefits of consuming chemical free cannabis and gain knowledge of the process of growing it. The sole purpose of the club is to grow for personal use by adult members and to provide access to a legal, safe and transparent alternative to the illegal drug market. The purpose of the association also is to actively work towards the prevention of health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs such as Fentanol and artificial cannabinoids called JWH or AB-Chminaca u.a.. We plan to counter this with updated information and education on growing and caring for cannabis plants. We will present classes snd siminars on the best and safest ways to grow and care for your plants by growing Vegan or organic. This way, you alone will know what your plants have been fed.
§ 1 Name, registered office, financial year
All natural and legal persons can become members of the Cannabis Social Club Frankfurt. Only natural persons are entitled to vote. The board decides on membership after receiving their written application. If the board rejects a membership, it must inform the applicant in writing. He/she has the right to submit the application for membership to the next General Meeting. This meeting shall then make a new and final decision. A member may resign by submitting a two month written notice to the Executive Board to the end of the financial year. If a members actions run contrary to the objectives of the Association or fail to meet their obligations to the Association, they may be expelled by resolution of the Board of Directors or the General Assembly of Members. Affected member may lodge an objection to the resolution, which the next General Meeting of Members shall make the final decision. In this case, the member will be invited to the next general meeting to give them a legal definitive hearing. Who can become a member?Any natural or person of legal age who wishes to help promote and support the aims and purpose of the association can become a member. Of course, cannabis users are primarily addressed in order to represent their own interests. In addition to their affected families and friends however, people who do not use cannabis, at least not for intoxication purposes, are also invited to join. Invited to participate, are all people who want to campaign for an end to the failed drug prohibition and for improved youth and consumer protection. Last but not least, of course people who advocate that cannabis, often is the most effective medicine with the least amount of side effects, should be available at low cost to all patients who need it. The special needs of cannabis patients should also be given special consideration in the cultivation community. § 4 Rights and obligations of members
§ 5 Association funds
The deadline for the invitation is based on the time of dispatch by the Executive Board or the office. The General Meeting shall occur at least once a year (Annual General Meeting), otherwise as required or convened by the Executive Board. An extraordinary general meeting of members must be held if at least 25% of the members of the association request this in writing, stating reasons and the agenda. The General Meeting must be held no later than six weeks after receipt of the request. General resolutions of the General Assembly are passed by a simple majority of the members present.Minutes must be taken of the resolutions to understand how they came about. They shall be signed by the chairperson of the meeting and the person taking the minutes. § 9 Board of Directors The Executive Board consists of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson and the Treasurer. They form the Executive Board within the meaning of §26 BGB. The Board members work on an honorary basis. The General Assembly can decide on elections for the announced agenda item, so that the Executive Board is expanded by a certain number of assessors. Board members must be members of the association. The joint signature of two members of the statutory Executive Board is sufficient for the legally binding external representation of the association. The term of office of the Executive Board is two years. It remains in office until a new Board of Directors is appointed. As a rule, the Executive Board shall meet monthly. The meetings are open to the public, unless data protection regulations require confidentiality. All members are entitled to submit motions to the Board of Directors. Resolutions must be recorded in writing and the minutes must be made available to the members.ben. § 10 Amendment of the Articles of Association and dissolution
Resolutions to amend the articles of association require a majority of 2/3 of the members present. |
Cannabis Social Club Frankfurt e.V. |
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