Do's & Dont's |
Shivas CSC Frankfurt e.V. is accepting membership requests at this time. We are reserving our GOLD membership for members that join between now and July 1. 2024 which is our grand opening, membership will be offered at a reduced price. Currently our membership is at €10 monthly. From July 2024 our membership price will rise to €20 monthly. With your membership you have access to all of our products at a 30% discount. You will be informed about our master classes for cannabis and normal plants. Get first hand knowledge and information pertaining to and caring for cannabis as well as for all plants. As a member you will automatically receive our news letter once a month. Gold members will be the ones that join the club between now and July. 1. 2024 all AOMG members will recieve a members card as ID for proof of their age and to access the club. All members will have unlimited access to all classes and new classes as they launch. All Master Class memberships include access to our high-definition videos, and downloadable class workbooks and merch. code of conduct All members must agree to and support the rules of conduct of our CSC. 1-no member shall not sale cannabis produced by the club to non-members, especially minors. 2- members caught trying to sneak under age persons in the club will be dismissed. 3-no member shall bring alcohol in the club rooms 4-members are to refrain from smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipe tobacco while engaging in club activities. 5-all members must respect each other 6-members can invite one person to our club 7-there will be no cigarett smoking 8-members are obliged not to smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco while participating in club activities. 9-members caught attempting to smuggle minors into the club will be dismissed or expelled from the club for a period of time. 10-any person or group found to have damaged club property will be held responsible for repairing or making good such damage. 11-members may not sell cannabis produced by the club to non-members, especially minors. 12. Each member may invite one person to our club. 13. all members must respect each other 14. the club management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person at its sole discretion what we offer our members -discounts for members -Acces to zoom meettings -videos on growing and harvesting cannabis and veggies -posted articles on website -best seeds and where to get them -merch - all of our merch -access to our vegan plant knowledge -supplements at half price -superb grow knowledge -grow classes -products and services -grow antrag -videos on harvesting -post articles on website -seeds and where to get them -access to medical seeds and plants Shivas CSC reserve the right to cancel, terminate or suspend membership due to disregard for the rules and regulations of the CSC. |
Cannabis Social Club Frankfurt e.V. |
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